50°24'30.9"N 5°07'47.2"W

50°24’30.9”N 5°07’47.2”W acts as an interactive means of provocation; a visual metaphor for the water discharge data collected during March 2024 at Crantock, Cornwall.
50°24’30.9”N 5°07’47.2”W is programmed to use discharge data provided by Surfers Against Sewage to highlight the environmental and human impact of water contamination and sewage release. Waterways in England have reached crisis point and are suffering from a toxic cocktail of raw sewage, pollution, chemical toxins and agricultural runoff. 3,606,170 hours of monitored raw sewage was discharged into rivers and seas in England during 2023. A 105 percent increase on the previous year.

Interactive sculpture programmed to pump using sewage release data Interactive sculpture programmed to pump using sewage release data Interactive sculpture programmed to pump using sewage release data Interactive Sculpture programmed using sewage release data