Alexis Over-Papatzaneteas
Alexis's current practice focuses on the notion that data presented in the context of an artistic medium becomes speculative, acting as a means of provocation that encourages engagement on an emotional level. His work explores how data/scientific evidence can be harnessed as a means of activism that encourages change, utilising raw data relating to social and ecological issues as a means of driving kinetic movement and colour change through the development of interactive sculptural forms.

Selected Exhibitions

Mixed Signals - Grays Wharf - Penryn

Royal Academy of Arts - Summer Exhibition - London

Hung - Group Show - Candid Arts - London

158 Autumn Exhibition - Royal West of England Academy - Bristol

Bier en Brood Expo - Tegendraads - Meent - Rotterdam - Netherlands

Een Grafisch Antwoord Op Democratie - Rotterdam - Netherlands

Through the Lens - Royal West of England Academy - Bristol

155 Autumn Exhibition - Royal West of England Academy - Bristol


2024/2025 - Dreamtime Fellowship - Spike Island - Bristol

2024 - D&AD New Blood Awards - Pencil Winner

Selected Commissions

Motel Mozaique - Schouwburg - Rotterdam - Netherlands

Stolichnaya - Source Festival - Utrecht - Netherlands

PublicationS / Talks

Sober Magazine - Issue One - Identity

Arms of a Boiling Tide - Artist Symposium - Spike Island

Guest Speaker - BA Photography - University of the West of England