Three Million Six Hundred and Six Thousand One Hunded and Seventy Hours focuses on the notion that effective forms of Data-Based art mutate data into an experiential phenomenon forcing the viewer to engage on a sensational level. The Water Company Cares juxtaposes the confrontational & provocative quote, ‘No one has the legal right to swim in the sea,’ from the legal case between Jo Bateman & South West Water with raw data illustrated through a light show of morphing colour as a means of facilitating discourse.
The statement contrasted with the total number of hours of raw sewage release in 2023 illustrates the severity, implication and scale of water contamination and sewage release in the UK. The aim of the series is to create a visually compelling form based on the interpretation of a data set that transfixes and arrests our gaze.
Contamination Cube is programmed using sewage release data and illustrates the common pathogens and contaminants found in sea water samples around the UK.